There’s also a very good spam filter built in that means you never have to sort through junk as it goes straight in the bin. This is the best way to use Gmail as it accurately filters your most important messages into Primary, but still lets you receive social media messages and promotions such as retail subscriptions.
Your inbox can either display every message in one pot or you can let Gmail automatically sort your messages into Primary, Social, and Promotions. The latest version integrates other Google apps like Calendar, Keep, and Tasks but you can leave them out the way if you don’t want to use them. Launched in 2004, Google’s world-famous email client is the bedrock of using its free Google account service.Īccessed via your browser, the software uses a very simple inbox design that presents you with your emails in a clear and easy to read way, with a toolbar on the left and not much else. You might think that paying for an email client is a waste of money, but if you are concerned about privacy and advanced features then you might want to consider it. We’ve picked out our five favourite email clients for Windows and Mac – most are free, while some have paid tier options with a mix of features amongst them to ensure there’s one that’s right for you. If that volume of email is unavoidable then you need a decent email client.